A 4-month intensive mastermind experience where we will channel your next big business and marketing moves 

Ascend your content, messaging, sales/launch systems to supercharge sales and attract F yes clients and make F you money. 

Without the need for a huge audience, rule book, cookie-cutter strategy, or misaligned marketing tactics

You are that go-to coach and healer!

A gifted visionary and rule breaker who is here to f*** shit up!

Hey gorgeous soul,

I see you. You’re not just good at what you do—you’re a freaking superstar, and you know it. That's why you’re here, ready to take your business to the next stratosphere. Multi-six-figure years? Oh, they’re practically on your doorstep.

Picture this: Your DMs are blowing up with dream clients saying, "I’m in!" Your screen lights up with those magical words, and the cha-ching of Stripe notifications makes you do a little happy dance. They’re not batting an eye at your prices because they’re totally vibing with your genius. You’ve cracked the code on what to say, how to post, and how to sell everything from your low-ticket gems to your high-ticket magic. Your business? It’s on a roll, and everything’s just clicking.

But let’s go deeper—imagine this: You’re feeling cool, calm, and collected every single month. You’ve got steady, recurring revenue, and your business is a well-oiled machine. You’re no longer just hustling—you’re gliding.

Cue that relaxed sigh, the one where your shoulders drop and you think, “Hell yes, I’ve made it.”

Now, visualize the freedom to spend your days however you damn well please. Strolling into your favorite coffee shop, with that blissful hum of safety and peace in the background, knowing your empire is growing even as you sip on that latte. Everything’s falling into place, and you know it deep in your soul. This is the life you’ve been dreaming of, and it’s just within reach.

And here’s the best part: I know exactly how this feels. Your very own business fairy godmother (with a few magical friends from other realms) is ready to wave her wand and guide you there.

After helping hundreds of women smash their way to six and seven figures, I’ve got the inside scoop on what works and what’s just fluff. If the next 5 points make you feel all the feels, then you’re ready to step into the Oracle Mastermind.


You still think you need to be more VISIBLE and have all the fancy schmancy things. Let me tell you, many of my clients with less than 1,000 followers are hitting multiple five-figure months and beyond. I've hit $80k months with one platform, no funnel, no free community, just 30 likes per post and around 150+ story views. The secret? I know how to convert.

P.S. Big popular coaches don’t know your blueprint, but my Psychic Channel knows yours. Your blueprint won’t be the same as mine—a funnel or free community might be exactly what ROCKS your business. With over 20 years of business teaching experience and marketing degrees, I know everything from highly converting funnels, ads, messaging, and so much more! I'm here to guide YOUR business blueprint, not anyone else's.


Yes, you've come so far, but there are a few gaps to be plugged. You might have caught a classic case of Shiny Object Syndrome, constantly signing up for either the bro-marketer's funnel that promises six figures in 10 days or the latest Quantum Leap Codes. Yes, I love those too, but as a result, you’ve missed out on:

  • Your unique business coding

  • Mastering the business basics like content, selling, messaging, and branding (which will actually help you to quantum leap).

Let’s refocus and harness your true potential.



You're fixated on getting more visibility and solving the 'wrong problems,' but here’s the thing—there are people in your audience right now who are ready to buy! The reason they haven’t taken the leap? You haven’t been speaking directly to them, and they haven’t recognized you as the one... yet.

It’s time to craft powerful messaging and content that positions you as the go-to expert, the one they can’t wait to work with. When you do, your DMs will be buzzing with clients who are ready to invest.

It’s time to FLEX your authority and STAND OUT!

Your business model and offer suite aren’t set up to scale to the consistent, bigger money months you’re aiming for. Your low-ticket offer is aimed at clients in the '“earlier stages” of what you do, rather than your ideal client that is a perfect fit for your higher-ticket offers. The result - it takes them so much longer to ascend your product suite! Let’s change that!

You've done the work on your identity, but you’ve since evolved. It's time for a new level of identity and embodiment to come through. Say hello to my super-weapon blend of Self Concept, Law of Assumption, Subconscious Reprogramming, and Nervous System Regulation—an absolute game changer! The perfect combination to upgrade your identity so you can call in your goals.



The Oracle Mastermind

Ascend your content, messaging, sales/launch systems to supercharge sales and attract F yes clients and make F you money. 

Imagine this

A business where momentum energy is the norm

  • You know exactly what to post, say, and sell, transforming your business into a well-oiled machine with Stripe notifications pinging from genius-match clients.

  • You've discovered your unique strategy sweet spot and understand what works best for you, turning it into pure magic. It's liberating to no longer feel like you're missing crucial knowledge—everything is starting to click. Say goodbye to downloading Carla’s 7-figure system because you've unlocked your own.

  • You've mastered the art of owning and articulating your genius. Your business isn't just attracting repeat clients or those who do similar work because they get it. Instead, you're experiencing a phenomenon where people hire you and join your highest-ticket offer the same day they find you. You are flexing your Authority Positioning - and it shows!

  • Your messaging is on fire, with people shouting, "OMG, you are talking to me!" You've positioned yourself as the go-to expert in your field, charging what your work truly deserves. People see you as the leader in what you do and constantly recommend you in well-known groups.

  • You've unleashed your authentic self, becoming a magnet for those perfect "Cinderella slipper fit" clients. Fears have dissolved, and your next-level CEO has been activated..

Imagine this…

‘Pinch me, right now - this is my life”

  • Opportunities are pouring in as you are recognized as a go-to leader in your field. Media, podcast, and guest appearances are now the norm, and you no longer feel the need to pitch yourself.

  • Content feels FUN again, as you truly tap into your magnetism and leave the diluted version of you behind. Email open rates sky rocket, as you step into your true voice.

  • Gone are the days of feeling like you’re pulling teeth or riding a rollercoaster of highs and lows. You’ve stepped out of convincing energy, and everything feels effortless. The energy of consistency and expectation has taken the front seat.

  • Your offer suite is a perfect fit, with clever upsell strategies implemented seamlessly behind the scenes. Monthly recurring revenue is stacking up, and clients’ lifetime value is expanding as they upgrade and invest more into your world.

  • You wake up feeling calmer and more peaceful than ever before. The world feels more colorful and alive. The feeling of “I’ve arrived” penetrates your whole being. Life is so fucking good!

  • $20k months feel like you’re playing small and you’re ready for bigger goals.

Imagine this…

You are starting to master energetics in your own life.

  • Looking after yourself is a priority, and you are ditching patterns that no longer serve you. When you combine energetic mastery and strategy - watch the magic unfold!

  • You’ve finally NAILED how to embody your next level self and now it has NO alternative but to show up in your reality!

You are embodying the energy and actions of a CEO and the GLOW UP is SHOWING!!

What’s included in Oracle Mastermind

3 x calls per month

2 x Psychic Strategy Sensing Calls to channel your next-level marketing moves to sell out your low-high ticket offers

1 x Conversion Content and Messaging Upgrade Call - my clients hire me for this alone! Let’s map out your best content yet! Content and messaging is so important - hence why I have included this call.

Unfuckwithable Room

The Unfuckwithable Room- A mindset space for my go-to nervous system regulation tools, subconscious reprogramming techniques (including RRT methods) Law of Assumption and Self Concept. This has CHANGED my life! 

Access All Pass

Access to all masterclasses, workshops and my extensive private training library packed full of strategy, marketing and energetics trainings. Scroll down for the breakdown of all the modules!

Community Space!

Monday - Wednesday Telegram support for all your burning business questions and so you can move with momentum.

Weekly content, messaging, sales and strategy prompts and ideas.

Access to the Unfuckwithable Room

How my Psychic gifts work

Many people ask me how I work. Firstly, I lead with strategy and allow the psychic insight to follow through. I blend all clairs together and as I channel information I will burp for “yes”. Calls will be full of magic, giggles and burps!

The Investment


(including up to 6-month payment plans)

Value $15997

It’s time to step into your multi-six-figure year.

Please fill out the application by clicking the link below, and we will be in touch with you shortly.

“The training library alone is one of the best out there. Packed full of marketing, strategy and energetics trainings”

Private Training Curriculum

  • Energetic Content®: Master my unique channelled approach to channelling and bringing through magnetic content so it never feels forced.

  • The One: Access my incredible 4-week program, THE ONE, where I teach you how to be seen as the go-to authority in your niche via your content, messaging and sales. Includes guided templates and frameworks for highly converting content.

  • Ready to Invest: Learn the art of speaking to and activating ready-to-invest clients

  • Skyrocket Your Hot AF Community: Build a HOT audience who loves your content, work and can’t wait for your offers to drop. This is the secret to “I am in” DM’s with one post/story slide.

  • Authority Spectrum Messaging: Upgrade your messaging to be seen as the go-to in your field so you c

  • Hot Offer Suites: Build an offer suite that is cleverly linked to taking your ideal client from low to high ticket FAST!

  • Mutlidimensional Story Sales: Tap into the art of advanced selling techniques so you can call in notifications and DMs from one story slide alone.

  • The Launch Toolbox: Dive into a range of launch approaches that suit you, your audience and your offer. Discover my lite launch method, where you can tap into a fun flowy launch without feeling drained or exhausted.

  • Brilliant Branding: Tap into your authentic brand and branding voice that you are recognised and known for.

  • Fabulous Funnels and Systems: Create an effective funnel that will build your email list and create instant sales whilst you sleep. Implement stream-lined upgrade opportunities to sell effortlessly behind the scenes and double your income.

  • Energetics Mastery: Learn how to break energetic patterns, blocks and create expansion in your energetic field. This shit is game-changing!

  • Identity Upgrade: Uncover my unique blend of subconscious reprogramming techniques, nervous system regulation tools, and law of assumption strategies to develop a unfuckwithable self concept and embody your next level version of you.

  • “I don’t have enough amazing things to say about Rachel! To put it lightly, she is an incredible business mentor who goes above and beyond to assist and support her clients in their work"

    Not only did I sell out my first program in a couple of hours through the strategy she designed for me, she helped me through the fears and uncertainties that were blocking me from success kindly and compassionately. Rachel helped me achieve some of my big business goals, such as hitting the income goals I had set for myself and of course selling out a brand new program, but the reason why I love working with her is that Rachel sincerely wants the best for you and thus, she really inspires you to want to be the best version of you and live up to your potential (and added bonus being how she helps you get there)!”

    Mary Louisa, Channeller and Mentor

  • “I have had the absolute pleasure of working 1:1 with Rachel. She is the real deal. Not only is she hilarious, she knows her stuff and is incredibly intuitive."

    “She has helped and continues to help me with my branding, offering and my message. If you’re on the fence about working with Rachel then set up a call with her, and you’ll be sure to invest. Why don’t you uplevel your business from 1k a month to 10k a month like I did. Thank you Rachel. Blessed to have met you”

    Andrew Rowe, Healer

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No, I can’t. Many factors are at play, and its largely down to your own commitment. Some of my clients have made their return on investment in a day, and some take much longer. No journey is the same. What I can say is this. I pour my heart and soul into my work, and I always give my side of the agreement to teach you and guide you.

  • We do our best to make sure PST/EST/UK clients can attend calls live. We have even offered calls to meet Australian clients when needed. Typically this can be between 4-5pm UK time.

  • Lifetime baby! You also get access to any minimind, masterclass and workshop I run during the duration of your mastermind stay.

  • I do not typically offer refunds however, I like to operate my business with integrity and will consider on an individual case basis. Clear and effective communication is key.

  • If you have upgraded to the VIP option for a more intensive experience you will have access to private calls with Rachel. This is available to purchase at checkout.

  • Early September.

  • Empowered, supportive and like-minded souls. I have worked with breathwork, nervous system support, healers, psychics, business coaches, mindset coaches, parent coaches, and nutritionists, to name a few.